Policies & Procedures


● Students must arrive promptly 15 minutes before the start of class at the designated class areas

● Dismissal occurs after Dhuhr prayer

Students are required to attend the prayer as it is considered a part of the Sunday School day

● Students will only be dismissed to designated and properly identified adults

If an emergency contact is needed to pick up the student, the guardian is responsible to inform the Sunday school staff

● Pick up and drop off are to occur inside the school, for safety concerns the students will not be allowed to be dismissed        outside without their appropriate guardian present


● In the event of severe weather, power outage, or other emergencies, the Sunday school session will be canceled.

● Parents/Guardians will be notified via their contact information when that decision is made

● In case of early dismissal, the parent/guardian is responsible for picking up and making proper arrangements for their student to be picked up


● If a student has any emergent medical conditions or allergies, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform and ensure their respective teachers and staff members are aware of the condition

● If urgent medical devices or medications are needed (example: inhalers, epi-pens, etc..),  the parent/guardian is to ensure the student brings them to the Sunday school, inform the staff members, and has them clearly and easily accessible to the student and staff

● The Sunday school teachers, volunteers, members, and staff are not liable in case of medical emergency.

● Do not bring the student to school if any of the following symptoms are displayed: fever, cough, diarrhea rash, pink eye, eye discharge, constant runny nose, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting, or obvious signs of illness.

If symptoms develop during the school day, a staff member will contact the parent/guardian for immediate pickup.

The parent/guardian must be available during school hours for any emergency calls.

● COVID-19

○ Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to come to the school

○ If exposure to the virus occurs, the students and guardians must test negative before entering

○ Masks throughout the masjid are encouraged


● All teachers, students, volunteers, assistants, staff members, parents and guardians are expected to adhere to the Islamic dress code according to their gender and age

● Parents/guardians are to ensure that students maintain a proper Islamic standard dress code when attending the Sunday school. This is to respect the sanctity and etiquettes of the Masjid

● Any clothing materials displaying inappropriate images, profanity, graphic or violent images are not allowed

Female Attire:

● Full covering, non-transparent hijab

● Modest, loose fitted clothing with full sleeves

● Abaya/Jilbab preferred

Male Attire:

● Modest, loose fitted clothing

○ No shorts

○ No torn/cut jeans

○ No inappropriate logos or images on shirts

● Topi/Kufi/Taqiyah preferred


● Arrive on time and be mentally prepared and motivated to learn

● Be respectful of all teachers, staff, volunteers, and elders

● Be courteous to fellow students and classmates

● Come to class prepared, homework completed, and with all necessary supplies

● Complete all classwork and do not hesitate to ask questions

● Participate in all classroom activities

● Fights, bullying, disrespect, and altercations will NOT be tolerated

○ Failure to adhere to good conduct can result in removal from class and/or the sunday school program


● Review the handbook and discuss the policies with their student(s)

● Drop off and pick up the students at the appropriate times and designated areas

● Review the class material and homework assignments every week with the student(s)

● Network and meet with other fellow parents to create unity within the Masjid and ummah

● Be respectful of Sunday school teachers, staff, volunteers, and board members

● If there are any questions, concerns, recommendations, the parent/guardian is instructed to contact the principal and respected staff member to discuss the issue at hand



Masjid-Hidayath-ICA is committed to providing a safe and welcome Islamic environment for all students, members, worshipers, guests, staff, and visitors.

All individuals, students, parents, staff, and teachers are expected to adhere to the code of conduct at the Masjid.

The Code of Conduct will be enforced:

1. Inside and on the grounds of Masjid Hidayath-ICA

2. Before, during, and after Sunday School classes

3. Any events and program where the masjid is represented

This includes:

● Being respectful to all fellow students, parents, worshipers, and visitors of the Masjid

● Maintaining a calm and peaceful environment

○ Soft “inside” voices

○ No screaming/shouting

○ No profanity or foul language

● Keeping the Masjid clean and tidy

○ Including: shoe rack, classrooms, and wudhu area

● Being courteous to all teachers, staff, and classmates

Disruptive students who interfere with the educational process, worship, and/or do not comply with the code of conduct are subject to administrative action.


The Masjid Hidayath-ICA Sunday school does not tolerate bullying, harassment, or disruption to the classroom.

Any student who believes that he/she has been bullied or harassed must immediately report their complaint to the Administrative Staff and Principal.

● The report will be promptly investigate Examples of Bullying include but are not limited to:

● Written, verbal, or physical aggressive acts that will cause harm to another student’s educational experience, physical, or mental well-being by doing any of the following:

○ Substantially interfering with another student’s education

○ Affecting a student’s ability to participate or benefit from the Sunday school by causing fear of harm, ridicule, or emotional distress

○ Having a detrimental effect on a student’s physical or mental health

● Causing a substantial disruption with the orderly operation of the Sunday school

○ Including disruptive behavior in the classroom by not following directions

○ Disrespecting teachers, staff, and volunteers

● Disrespecting, physical or verbal harassment of any staff member, volunteer, or elder

● Types of bullying may include but are not limited to:

○ Verbal bullying

○ Name calling, foul language, or argumentative demeanor

● Physical bullying

○ Hitting, punching, throwing, kicking, or shoving any individual or Masjid property

● Having money, school supplies, or other items taken or damaged by students who bully

● Being threatened or being forced to do things by students who bully


A student causing disruptive behavior will receive 3 verbal warnings from the teachers and/or administrative staff. At this time, the student may be removed from the classroom for a “timeout.”

If the behavior does not improve then the following actions will occur:

1. First administrative contact: (one or more of the following)

a. Parent notification

b. Reprimand & “time out” from classroom

C. Suspension for one school session

2. Second administrative contact: (one or more of the following)

a. Parent notification w/conference with administrative staff

b. Reprimand & removal from classroom

c. One or more week suspension from the Sunday school

3. Subsequent administrative contact: (one or more of the following)

a. Parent notification w/conference with administrative staff

b. Reprimand & removal from the classroom

c. Suspension from Sunday school classes

If no improvement in a student’s behavior occurs, then the final step will be indefinite expulsion from the program.

Depending on the severity of the student’s action, if a student, staff member, or volunteer’s life becomes endangered, the authorities may be involved for further consequences.

The rules and regulations contained in this document do not include all possible & conceivable student misbehavior that may result in administrative disciplinary action